BCWC Logo Final

Flows Into: Nantucket Sound and Cape Cod Bay
Zee Crocker, Executive Director
Heather Rockwell, Director of Operations
Office: 508-420-0780
Mail: P. O. Box 215, Osterville, MA 02655
Website: BCleanWater.org
Follow BCWC on Facebook and Instagram @bcleanwater and on Twitter @BarnstableWater 
Barnstable Clean Water Coalition (BCWC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to restore and preserve clean water in Barnstable. Located on Cape Cod, BCWC utilizes education, monitoring, mitigation, and advocacy to address the water quality issues facing the five watersheds located in the 76 square miles of the town of Barnstable.

What we do:
• Coordinate the herring count monitoring program at the Mill Pond and Middle Pond fish ladders along the Marstons Mills River
• Participate in the Massachusetts Estuary Project’s water monitoring programs collecting water quality data and samples at 16 sites in the Three Bays estuary and at 31 freshwater ponds
• Monitor for marine invasive species at six Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative (MIMIC) locations in Barnstable
• Measure streamflow and collects water samples for nutrient analysis at 10 sites along the Marstons Mills River
• Monitor groundwater flow through cranberry bogs bordering the Marstons Mills River
• Raise oysters in an upweller tank on Hyannis Harbor with Massachusetts Oyster Project and the town of Barnstable to demonstrate how oysters improve water quality and clarity, along with contributing to local economies
• Partner with the U.S. EPA, The Nature Conservancy and USGS to install, test and monitor innovative/alternative septic systems to remove nitrogen and other contaminants from groundwater flow
• Educate the public on critical water issues facing Cape Cod and our sole source aquifer


Watershed Action Alliance Organizations

Map of WAA member organizations